How to convert a Legacy Windows installation to UEFI

CAUTION: This guide will walk you through the procedures of converting a legacy MBR disk to GPT without wiping or reinstalling windows.

Before proceeding with this guide, ensure that the drive being modified has at least 229MB of free space before the C:\ partition. You can confirm this in Disk Management.

If the drive does not, you won’t be able to complete this guide without resizing the C:\ partition first, which can be done with any partition editor freeware for Windows or Linux. I recommend using PartedMagic‘s built-in partition editor.

Stage Ⅰ: Prepare

  1. Prepare Windows Bootable USB (see How to wipe and reload Windows – Mr. Robot)

  2. Identify which disk you want to convert (usually is #0). This can be done by looking at the number in the Windows Disk Management.

  3. Download gptgen from
    This tool will allow you to convert your MBR disc to GPT with the data included. 

  4. ATTENTION: After this step, your computer CANNOT BOOT until the whole process is completed. DO NOT Shut Down Unless Instructed

    Unzip gptgen and then run CMD with elevated privileges. (replace the 0 with the identified disk number).

    This *will* result in a BSOD shortly after and it’s to be expected:

    gptgen.exe -w \\.\physicaldrive0

Stage Ⅱ: Boot

  1. Boot up using your Windows bootable USB prepared in Step 1.

  2. Choose language and preferences, and then select
    Repair Your Computer -> Troubleshoot -> Advanced options -> Command Prompt

  3. We will need the disk partitioning tool. With this, we will recreate the boot partitions.

  4. Identify the boot disk where Windows is located, typing:
    list disk 

    Something like this should appear:

    Disk ###  Status  Size  Free  Dyn  Gpt
    ---------  ------  -----  ----  --- ---
    * Disk 0   Online  128 GB  0 B       *

  5. Once identified, select the disk (replace with the correct number):
    select disk 0

  6. Verify the partitions:
    list partition

  7. Something similar at the info below should appear.
    Partition ###  Type         Size     Offset
    -------------  -----------  -------  ------
    Partition 1    Primary      350 MB  1024 KB
    Partition 2    Primary      126 GB   350 MB

  8. Delete the previous system partition:
    select partition 1
    delete partition

  9. Create the new boot partition, Microsoft reserved partition:
    create partition EFI size=100 offset=1
    format quick fs=fat32 label="System"
    assign letter=S
    create partition msr size=128 offset=103424

  10. If you list the partitions again, you should have ended up with something like this:
    Partition ###  Type          Size     Offset
    ------------  -----------  -------  -------
    Partition 1   System        100 MB  1024 KB
    Partition 2   Reserved      128 MB   101 MB
    Partition 3   Primary      126 GB   229 MB

  11. Ensure that your Windows installation is mounted, replacing X with the volume number of the Windows installation (usually 1)
    list volume
    select volume X
    assign letter=C

  12. Exit diskpart:

  13. Generate boot partition data, replacing C: with the letter of the Windows installation (usually C:):
    bcdboot c:\windows /s s: /f UEFI

  14. You should see the message boot files successfully created
    Remove USB drive and restart your computer
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